2004-04-26 Deric Wan Fell Down Two Steps at Xi An Stage, Startled Audience Shout
Supplied By: linye
Origin: NetAndTV.com
Date: April 26, 2004
Subject: Deric Wan Fell Down Two Steps at Xi An Stage, Startled Audience Shout
Hong Kong artist, Deric Wan, held concerts at Xi'an (China) two nights in the row on April 24th and 25th.
Old time, cousin Wan (a familar name to TV fans) appeared in a strange short haircut, bright red shirt and green trousers in front of the crowd. Apart from his slightly chubby body, this 40 year old showed no other signs of his age. Once to have charmed countless television audiences in the previous generation, Deric Wan, a former, offered Xi'an's audience an opportunity to go back to the past.
Stumbled While Coming On Stage
Originally planned to be held on April 24th at 10:30pm, Deric Wan's media meeting activity was delayed half an hour. As later confirmed by the staff, cousin Wan specially dressed up to meet the media. For some unknown reason, him, being experienced with public appearances, had an unexpected accident while coming on stage with the cheering and applause of the excited crowd. He came down the stairs smiling and waving his hand. Suddenly he missed his footing and flipped down two steps. The crowd made a startled sound. Fortunately cousin Wan's reaction was quick, using his right hand for support. Enduring the pain, Deric Wan stood up with an embarrassed face and explained, "The floor was too slippery ! The floor was too slippery!"
One Family with Sonjia Kwok
Divorced. Remarried. Rumoured divorced again. Deric Wan's love rumours has become his main news. Reporters have taken note, that recent news on Deric Wan have revolved around his girlfriend --- Miss Hong Kong, Sonija Kwok. It was said that Deric Wan had been bitterly proposing marriage, but beauty girl had taken guard. When reporters again mentioned Sonija Kwok, Deric Wan's words changed to: "Haven't thought of when to get married." He denied his unwearied tireless effort "to propose marriage". When reporters asked him if Sonija Kwok had expressed that they live with her mother after getting married, Deric Wan's reaction was rapid: "I don't mind living together with her mother. Of course I don't mind, because my love with Sonija right now is like we're one family."
Avoid "Bacillus Botulinus To Improve Looks"
Deric Wan and Maggie Siu have been labelled by the audience as the best screen couple. But some time ago, during an interview with Maggie, reporters discovered that her eye bags and wrinkles revealed her secret age. Deric Wan in comparison with Maggie Siu, can be dressed to look like a youngster. Earlier, there had been reports within the entertainment circle, that middle-aged actors like Deric Wan and Andy Lau have depended on Bacillus Botulinus inject to preserve youthfulness in their face. But when reporters asked Deric Wan about this, he glanced right and left, and cleverly answered, "Really? I truely don't show any aging? Thank you very much! Actually I've always cared about my looks. I focus on exercising. Even though I'm not fond of doing skin care, but I do select a very healthy lifestyle. I don't smoke, drink and especially don't attende social intercourse entertainment. As a result I may seem to look younger."
Preparing To Become Backstage Director
Deric Wan and Sonija Kwok are both TVB's contract artists. He said that he had his reasons for being low profile for the past year, "I've acted in television dramas for almost 20 years now. The dramas I've done these last two years have not been broadcasted for inland audiences, resulting in people thinking that I've been concealing myself. I've just completed the shooting of CCTV's television drama in Shanghai. In addition, I was responsible for the film's beginning and ending theme songs." Recent TVB's staff layoffs and salary cuts have caused a commotion. Even Liza Wang, "TVB's Big Sister" has criticized TVB's way of doing things have harmed the artists. However Deric Wan said that TVB's salary cuts have not effected his and his girlfriend, Sonija Kwok's income, so he had no comments. But he revealed that presently besides shooting TVB's drama, he has also been learning about backstage work, "I've bought a lot of backstage books and CDs. Everyday after work I would watch some films and read some books. I plan to learn about film production because I don't plan to act forever. I'm always seeking an opportunity to do production work, such as directing, and trying out different jobs." (Hua Shang Net - Hua Shang Bao reporter Xiao Yao/writing Wang Zhi/assistant)
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